Stave churches in Norway

Stave churches – Norway’s contribution to world architecture

Stave churches were built in wood and were found across the northern parts of the European continent, including in Scandinavia.

It is virtually only in the rugged landscape of Norway that these unique buildings have survived, from the Middle Ages and up to the present. The stave churches are therefore an especially valuable part of our architectural heritage, and have become our most important contribution to world architecture. Urnes stave church was inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage List, as the only stave church, already in 1979. It thus not only represented itself, but also all of the other remaining Medieval stave churches. They are examples of the brilliant craftsmanship found in Norway with respect to structure, materials, decoration and interior.

However, even in Norway, we have seen a dramatic decrease in the number of stave churches. Before the Black Death reached Norway in 1349, there were around 1,000 stave churches across the country. As many as 2,000, if not more, were erected before the Reformation in 1537.

Only 28 have survived. They thus serve as important culture bearers and story tellers. They represent almost 1,000 years of Norwegian history, and still provide new knowledge about our shared past. Show respect and due consideration when you visit our stave churches. We want to pass them on in good condition to coming generations.


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Contact us

Get in direct contact with the church

If you have questions or other inquiries, contact the individual stave church directly. Select the church from the drop-down menu in the form.

Full contact information can be found on the individual’s church page here at and our partners

    The idea for this website was initiated by Stavkyrkjeeigarforum (organisation of Norwegian stave church owners), in cooperation with The National Trust of Norway. Through we aim to spread information on all 28 remaining medieval stave churches in Norway.

    Each year approximately 500.000 people visit our stave churches and the numbers of visitors are growing. This increase of visitors is positive, but it also proves a challenge for the owners of the most visited stave churches. One of our goals is to spread the number of visitors more evenly.

    The main goal of Stavkyrkjeeigarforum is to secure our stave churches for the future. The owners are:

    • Fortidsminneforeningen The National Trust of Norway. Owns 8 stave churches. The National Trust of Norway is a private, voluntary organisation that has been preserving and protecting places of historic and cultural importance around the country since 1844.
    • The Church of Norway. Owns 17 stave churches. The majority of these are in use as parish churches.
    • The three publicly owned museums Norsk Folkemuseum (Oslo), Maihaugen (Lillehammer) and Sverresborg Folkemuseum (Trondheim) own 1 stave church each.

    The Norwegian Directorate for Cultural Heritage, The Church of Norway and KA Arbeidsgiverorganisasjon for kirkelige virksomheter are respected partners for the stave church owners on matters such as management and economy.

    Contact regarding

    Øyvor Sekkelsten

    Leader of the board of Stave Church Owners Association
    +47 476 63 292

    The leader of the Stavkyrkjeeigarforum is also the church warden in Rollag and is responsible for the management of Rollag Stave Church, among other things. She is keen on putting our stave churches on the map as excellent conveyors of cultural heritage and history. At the same time, she considers it crucial and necessary to preserve the stave churches as the cultural treasures they are, and we do this best together.

    Ole Christian Torkildsen
    Secretary for the Stave Church Owners Association
    Special Counsel / Architect for KA
    +47 97190690

    Ole Christian works daily with KA, department of churchbuildings and graveyards. His background is that of an architect specialicing in the safeguarding of buildings.
    Additionally he works as secretary for the Stave Church Owners Association. emphasizes that all information on our web pages should be as accurate as possible. However, we assume no liability for errors, omissions or inaccuracies in the information available and do not cover any costs or losses incurred as a result.

    Stave Churches

    Discover our hidden pearls!

    Today, only 28 medieval stave churches remain in Norway.  All of them are well worth a visit.


    Code of conduct when visiting the stave churches

    The stave churches have survived for more than 800 years. It is our shared responsibility to preserve them for many generations to come.


    Guided tour of the stave church?

    If you want to learn more about the stave church you are visiting, you can ask our knowledgeable guides.



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